If you are looking for the best Forsaken scripts to enhance your gameplay, you have come to the right place. These scripts provide various features like ESP, aimbots, speed changes, and more. Below are some of the best scripts you can use.
01. Decent Script Keyless – ALPHA Forsaken
Feature | Description |
Keyless | No need for a key to use the script. |
02. Changer Speed Of Sprint – Forsaken HORROR
Feature | Description |
Sprint Speed Modifier | Change the sprinting speed in the game. |
getgenv().SprintValue = 90
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local sprinting = workspace.Players.Spectating:FindFirstChild(player.Name)
if sprinting then
sprinting = sprinting:FindFirstChild("SpeedMultipliers")
if sprinting then
sprinting = sprinting:FindFirstChild("Sprinting")
if sprinting then
sprinting.Value = getgenv().SprintValue
03. Apple Hub UI – ALPHA Forsaken
Feature | Description |
ESP | Survivor, Killer, Tool, Generator, and more. |
Aimbot | Supports Jason, John Doe, and more. |
Generator Solver | Instantly solves generators. |
Emotes | Includes free animations and sounds. |
Custom Skins | One available, more coming soon. |
Misc Features | No stamina loss, walkspeed slider, and more. |
04. Elysian Hub – ALPHA Forsaken
Feature | Description |
Auto Popup | Auto 1x1x1x1 popup. |
Aimbot | c00lkidd aimbot. |
Stamina | Infinite stamina. |
ESP | Shows generators, survivors, killers, and items. |
Instant Generators | Finish generators instantly. |
Teleport | TP Elliot pizza to you. |
Custom Skins | Unique skins available. |
Emotes Tab | Various emotes to use. |
How to Use the Script
- Copy the script you want to use.
- Open your Roblox executor.
- Paste the script into the executor.
- Execute the script and enjoy the features.
What Are the Benefits of Using These Scripts?
Using these scripts gives you a better experience in Forsaken by unlocking new abilities and making gameplay easier. You can have ESP to spot survivors and killers, change your sprint speed for better movement, and even access exclusive skins. These scripts also help with quick puzzle-solving, teleporting items, and using fun emotes. They are perfect for improving gameplay and having more fun.